Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible - by Robert Young

Hendrickson Publishers

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  • Want to analyse the bible and mine its truths?
  • Glean deeper meaning with the Greek & Hebrew at your finger tips
  • Grow in knowledge and depth

Much more than just a great concordance! By organizing entries according to the original Hebrew and Greek words, Young's is designed to allow any student of the Bible to distinguish and analyze important shades of meaning and to gain a deeper appreciation and better understanding of the sacred text.

The predominating benefit to the user of Young's is the unique organization and arrangement.

For every English word in the Bible, the analytical arrangement of Young's provides the following:

-   The original Hebrew or Greek word or words

- The literal meaning of every such word

- The thoroughly true and reliable parallel passages

Additional special features:

 - Over 310,000 biblical references

 - Clarifies which Hebrew or Greek words are translated by more than one English word,

 - English words are used to translate multiple Hebrew or Greek words

 - The proper names of persons and places are included in their alphabetical order

 -  Literal meaning of each word where identifiable

This beautiful edition now includes the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries at the back. And, unlike other editions, this one is printed on high-quality paper. Based on the King James Version (KJV).

The standard Biblical concordance, Young's casts all words in the Bible into alphabetical order and arranges them under their respective original words. This helps the reader to analyze more accurately the various uses of the original Hebrew and Greek words. Includes over 300,000 biblical references.