Room 105. The Compelling True Life Story Of Victory Over Suffering And Death Luedi Marcus, Roberts Allen

Meister Press

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The really big questions of death and dying are dealt with throughout the pages of this book. No pat answers are offered or cliches cited as to why God would take a beautiful wife and later a young son. The gravity of personal grief mixed with the callous attitude of those with so called 'formula healing techniques' can hardly be comprehended. The lessons described in Room The really big questions of death and dying are dealt with throughout the pages of this book. No pat answers are offered or cliches cited as to why God would take a beautiful wife and later a young son. The gravity of personal grief mixed with the callous attitude of those with so called 'formula healing techniques' can hardly be comprehended. The lessons described in Room 105 will help heal those who carry emotional scares that seem too deep to bear.