Night Journey From Rome...To the New Jerusalem Paperback – 1 Jan. 1982 by Clark Butterfield

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The most effective tool to reach someone who is trapped in the bondage of Roman Catholicism is the testimony of someone who saw Rome’s futile rituals and realized that they were not biblical. This beautifully written book is perfect to put into the hands of any Catholic who may be questioning their faith in Roman Catholicism.

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Clark Butterfield overcame a family scandal in order to become a priest. He wrote, “I wanted to be on the other side of the screen in the confessional, having Christ ratify my decisions to absolve or withhold sins.” Trapped in his “Catholic guilt”, with no assurance of salvation, he hoped that in becoming a priest, “maybe this would clinch the deal.” Instead, he found only disappointment. Finally, he just walked away to do his own thing.

But God had other plans.

God placed a Christian in Clark’s path who was secure in his confidence in his Creator and began to challenge Clark. He came to understand what faith in Christ alone truly meant.

After he was joyously born again, Clark used his intimate knowledge of Catholicism and his growing understanding of the Bible to craft an exquisitely detailed explanation of Catholicism’s unbiblical bondage.

Butterfield takes you gently through his dark night of doubt, and describes what the true Scriptures teach about Mary, salvation through works, forgiveness of sins by a priest, the Eucharist, and other Catholic doctrines, and gives you great ideas to explain these truths to other Catholics.

A master storyteller, Clark engagingly details his own struggles with his life in the Catholic church, then dissects its teachings with the same down-to-earth readability.

This is a rare kind of book that will both open the eyes of the Catholic as well as provide valuable instruction for anyone wishing to rescue someone from the pope's grasp.

Share this with Catholic family, friends, and others. You will clearly see the Scriptural basis for your own beliefs. Having read this book, you will understand Catholics better than before, and you will know more ways of sharing simple salvation in Jesus with them.

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