Books Ablaze -Irene Howat

Christian Focus Publications

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Have you ever smelt something burning, perhaps your dinner, or a bonfire? Well there are definitely some fires in this book.

Did you know that books were amongst some of the things set on fire all through-out church history. In fact flames were also used to persecute Christians during the history of the church.

Some of the fires were used to burn anything that a Christian owned, but other fires were used to burn the Christians themselves because of their faith.

There was even one fire that didn't happen -  in 1605 a man named Guy Fawkes tried to set fire to the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November.

In this book author Irene Howat retells the Christian story behind some of the events in history. You will see how God is in control, even if evil men plan fires or other things. Go loves His children, and nothing can separate Christians from His love.

About the Author:

Irene Howat is a ghost–writer and author of a range of Christian biographies as well as a wide variety of children’s books and biographies. Her writing skills have won her awards from the Australian book trade in addition, she has a reputation of being a reliable writer for young children.